Troubleshooting Common 3D Fiber Lash Mascara Problems According to Popular Vloggers

Ever since the dry fiber lash mascara trend has taken off, more and more people have begun trying them. Vloggers have also created application tutorials for these types of mascara. However, other vloggers have also hit a bump in the road in terms of the proper application of this mascara. This is why we have decided to address the common 3d Fiber Lash Mascara Problems as discussed by popular vloggers.

As a 3D Fiber Lash Mascara fan, I feel like it is my duty to provide troubleshooting solutions to the issues faced by other people. Here are some of the common issues faced by beauty vloggers when it comes to the 3d fiber lash mascara.

  • Messy Application

The application process can be a bit messy. It is a fact that we would never deny. The combination of the mascara gel and the fiber lash mascara can be a little complicated.

  • Spidery Lashes

There are times when the wrong application of this mascara could result in a spidery finish.  With regards to this type of issue, it is important that the user separates the lashes with the use of an eyelash comb.

  • Fibers are flaking

If your mascara is flaky, you should make sure that the fibers are dry before applying the final coat of the magnifying gel. When the fibers have dried off, it is easier for the magnifying gel to seal in all the fibers with minimal worries. This also reduces any chance of flaking as the fibers are sealed in well.

  • How many layers should I apply?

While there is no steadfast rule on how many layers to apply, it is standard to use the three-step application program with 5 to 10 strokes each. You can go for as thick as you want when it comes to 3D Fiber Lash Mascara depending on the look that you are going for.

  • Eyelashes do not separate

This is a common issue that several mascara users face. A great 3D Fiber Lash Mascara would be designed to ensure the proper separation of the lashes. However, users can also opt to use an eyelash comb to help keep the lashes separate.

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